We went to Brazil in 1969 and worked there for twenty years in small towns where there were no Baptist churches. Your churches offerings helped us print thousands of tracts and distribute Bibles to many who had never had one.
After seeing three churches established and turned over to Brazilian pastors we felt led to work in Guatemala and were there for eighteen years. In Guatemala our main ministry was helping small churches get better established and helping new ones get started. We had a small print shop and saw over three million pieces of literature printed and given to the churches. Again the offerings your church sent helped purchase Bibles and other literature that was given to the churches. Because of bad health we returned to the States to get medical attention for my wife.
At present we have a Spanish website that has sermon material and other ideas to help Spanish pastors and workers in all Spanish speaking countries and it is used more than two thousand times each month. The printing ministry continues in Guatemala with missionary Don Hinds and we help purchase paper for it as needed. We presently live in Augusta, Georgia and assist our pastor Bro. Heyward Horton with a very active missions program. At present the church supports 52 missionaries each month and 5 Bible printing ministries. I also teach the adult Sunday School class and preach when needed.